

    Shanghai is the most active city in the commercial market of China. Today, Shanghai's development goal in the field of technology is to become a world-class technology research and development center in China and even the world. How to develop your technical business here, Vistall team supports you.

          Starting a technology business in China Shanghai
          Investment & set up company information
          Local accounting and tax policy
          China human resources & labor security information
          Rental and Real estate information
          Local Consultants, Lawyer/Accounting/HR & Service Providers


    In terms of industry research, we focus on researching and writing customized industry research reports, venture capital information, and publicly available financial market data. It is covering advanced manufacturing, financial real estate, information technology, mass consumption, traditional manufacturing, and entertainment media. Advanced manufacturing covers the fields of automobiles, new materials, semiconductors, robots, drones, and mobile phones; Financial real estate covers the real estate, banking, securities investment banking, and payment sectors.



    In today's workplace, engineers play a crucial role. Thus, engineers not only hands on solid professional knowledge and skills, but also need to maintain close contact with other peers to maintain their competitiveness and professional development. To achieve the goal, joining industry professional associations and organizations is important for the career development of engineers. Now, Engineer’s Home builds up a platform for engineers in various industries to develop their careers, expand their networks, and establish cooperative relationships. It also provides key support for career certification and qualifications, industry information, and resources.


    In cooperation with industry professional associations and organizations, Vistall provides a series of professional certification and qualification examination process services, as well as delivers the talent assessment for the technical engineers. To help engineers demonstrate their professional abilities and knowledge level. The acquisition of these certifications and qualifications not only enhances the credibility and reputation of engineers, but also provides them with more career and promotion opportunities. In addition, these certifications and qualifications can help engineers distinguish themselves from other peers, thereby improving their competitiveness.


    In China's vibrant commercial market, opportunities and challenges coexist. The Vistall team brings together forward-looking concepts, professional experience, advanced technology and resources to provide innovative services for business and talents in the field of science and technology.


    A combination of industry, academia, and research, consisting of academician and the industry expert teams, provides professional thematic research and application advices for the development trend of the technology industry. Regularly hold professional seminars for the members of Engineer’s Home.
    Professional consultants
    A professional team of consultants consisting of lawyers, financial and tax consultants, and human resources consultants, delivers the whole process services and resource support for technology investments in Shanghai, from consulting to company establishment.


      Vistall 维卅通 ©2009-2024
      电话 Tel:(8621) 68590880|68590990
      邮箱 Email:team@vistall.cn
      地址 Address: 中国.上海市静安区梅园路228号企业广场609室
      Rm.609, No.228, Meiyuan Rd., Shanghai,PRC                  
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